To Tortuga
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Hofer Busch Held
To Tortuga
Veröffentlichung: 23.02.2024
Format: Audio CD
Katalognummer: FT020CD
1. The Creeper
2. Keep Track
3. We Were Gods
4. To Tortuga
5. Robo Mind
6. Hirade
7. Fraintown
8. It's OK
Julia Hofer - bass, vocals
Hanno Busch - guitar, programmings, vocals
Tobias Held, drums
Composed, arranged and performed by
Julia Hofer, Hanno Busch & Tobias Held
Recorded and mixed by
Hanno Busch at Roughroom, Cologne
Mastered by
Chris von Rautenkranz, Soundgarden Mastering, Hamburg
Julia Hofer uses Rheingold cables and the Nik Huber Rietbergen bass for recording.
Hanno Busch plays Thomastik strings, Nik Huber guitars, Rheingold Amps & cables
Tobias Held plays Zildjan cymbals and VicFirth sticks. We used Vovox microphone cables for recording.
Fotos by Mirko Polo
Artwork by Daniel F. Hirth
die Wiener Bassistin Julia Hofer,
der Kölner Gitarrist Hanno Busch und
der Hamburger Schlagzeuger Tobias Held.
Dieses 2022 geborene Projekt ist getrieben von der Sehnsucht nach einer kontinuierlich
arbeitenden Band, die musikalische Ideen aus improvisierten Sessions kollektiv entwickelt.
Manche Musik braucht Text und so gibt es neben den Instrumentals auch Songs, in denen sich die Stimmen von Hofer und Busch zu einem modernen Indie-Popsound addieren. Zum Sound des Trios mit E-Gitarre, E-Bass und Drums kommt ab und an die MPC (Akai‘s bekannter Sampleplayer, der häufig im Rap/ Hip Hop und in der Elektronischen Musik Verwendung findet) quasi als vierte Stimme hinzu. Dieses urbane elektronische Element ergänzt und komplettiert den Sound des Trios, das seine Wurzeln in der improvisierten Musik und im Pop hat.
Das Debutalbum TO TORTUGA erscheint am 23. Februar 2024 bei FRUTEX TRACKS. Es beschäftigt sich mit der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung und der Suche nach einer Haltung dazu. Wo gehen wir mit? Wo ziehen wir Grenzen? Wo stößt das Digitale an seine Grenzen? Wie freunden wir uns damit an?
To Tortuga
Violence has declined but my mind is itching more than ever, so I’m off,
heading, somewhere, I don’t know
I’m thinking of a place that you can only get to
If you forgot the directions.
The kind of place that you only end up in
if you got a little lost along the way.
A place where stories just happen, naturally.
Where things might get a little absurd,
things might not want to be repeated but also not forgotten.
Looking back at the last years, it almost feels as if I had been asleep.
As if deep down there was still something pounding somewhere
but that something’s been dulled.
I don’t wanna say it’s been lost.
The thing is I’m not sure if I’m ever going to wake up
Or if this is just what aging feels like.
And when I look at kids these days I wonder...
Are they just born with life or is it their blank space that fills the image with color.
As if knowing nothing allows you to see properly... the real thing.
As if knowing nothing is the most freeing thing.
As if knowing nothing is the actual knowing.
I don’t mean to sound cheesy here.
But knowing nothing never seemed so appealing to me before
To tortuga, wooing with a charming heart
To Tortuga, to weep and crack
To Tortuga, resting in some grass, unmown
To tortuga, i go and live